A Conversation with Danuta Hinc, author of When We Were Twins
Plamen Press, 232 Pages
Interview by Andrea Caswell
January 22, 2024
I was very lucky to study the Torah with Rabbi Martin Siegel, whose guidance was essential to my understanding of the text. Our weekly meetings not only focused my attention on the subject, but also gave me the confidence to seek other sources, to interview people from different countries, including Israel, Palestine, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Egypt. What started with my Torah studies expanded to many other encounters and conversations, and ultimately, to friendships with people from those various countries.
The novelist talks siblings, radicalization, and writing in her native Polish
by Haley Huchler
October 31, 2023
The twins are also a symbol for all humans as brothers and sisters, all born as innocent and turning out differently despite the innate innocence that is initial in everyone’s life.
Link: https://www.washingtonindependentreviewofbooks.com/features/category/author-qa
Why Terror? Q&A With Danuta Hinc, Author of ‘When We Were Twins’
by Elizabeth Hazen
September 21, 2023
In exploring the theme of duality, I constructed a world in which everyone is connected to everyone on a deep spiritual, even mystical level, like twins in a womb, but only some (especially women, unearthly creatures of flesh and soul) can see the connection. Women, the one giving life in the novel, are entangled in the world of men at war, trying to save—throughout history—anything they can.